Posted by: Genevieve | October 17, 2014

Tinago Falls: A nice return

After busting my face open at Sigua Falls, I decided to go on a medium rated hike to Tinago Falls. It was to a series of three water falls, but you could choose to only go to the first one.

I genuinely liked Tinago Falls. It was pleasant, relatively easy, and beautiful.  We started off down a muddy Jeep trail, on a relatively flat, short trail. We took the longer, more scenic route, and it was still beautiful, simple and nice. There was some difficulty getting down to the first fall. You had to use a rope, and kind of scoot down a slightly steep hill. It was not bad, although two of the other ladies and I declared ourselves “experts at butt scooting!”, given our reluctance to just climb or jump down the grade.

The fall was awesome. It was actually two falls. One was tiny, and you could sit and cool off in the water. The other was much bigger, with powerful water crashing down. The water pool at the bottom of that fall was actually quite shallow, which meant that I was able to wade slowly through the water, gripping the sides of the pool, and then go sit underneath the waterfall, in a relatively quiet cubby behind the fall, hiding behind the curtain of rushing water. It was awesome. Then I ran out through the middle, getting soaked and disoriented. It was AWESOME and I did it twice.

The grounds were pretty cool in general. The land owner, or at least, the person who owned part of the land, had integrated benches, hammocks, flower pots, barbeque grills and extra plants throughout the jungle and falls. It was pretty nifty and an unexpected surprise. A little “Stephen King in Maine,” stumbling across what really could be where someone LIVES in the middle of the jungle, but at least there were no people lurking (that we saw), tents, or anything other than the grills, benches and flower pots.

There were two other falls that you could visit. However, the way down was too scary for me. It was very muddy, and I felt like I was going to slip and fall. So I went back to the main fall and played there until we left. A good number of people did the same thing as me, actually.

Here are some pictures!

I did not hurt myself on this hike. Genevieve: 1 Jungle: 1

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